Style and Headings

Here are some intructions that help you style your text in Twine.

1. Styles

1.1 Italics

To put your text in italics, put // before and after your sentence.

//This would show up in italics in your story//

1.2 Bold

To put your text in bold, put '' (this is two single quote marks, not double quotes) before and after your sentence.

''This would show up as bold text in your story''

1.3 Underline

To underline your text, put __ (this is two underscore) before and after your sentence.

__ This would show up as underlined text in your story __

1.3 Strikethrough

Strike your text through, put == (this is two equals signs) before and after your sentence.

==This text would show up as strikethrough in your story==

1.4 Superscript

Show your text as Superscript, put ^^ (this is two carets) before and after your sentence.

^^This part would show up as Superscript^^ text in your story

1.5 Subscript

Show your text as Subscript, put ~~ (this is two tilde) before and after your sentence.

~~This would show up as Subscript text~~ in your story

1.6 Start using styles yourself

  1. You can copy the following instruction and paste it into your passage to see how the different styes works.

    //This text will be shown in italics//
    ''This text will be shown in bold''
    __This text shows up underlined__
    ==This text shows up as strikethrough==
    ^^This part shows up as Superscript^^ text 
    ~~This part shows up as Subscript~~ text
  2. This is how it will show up for your readers.

    Screenshot of the different styles, italics, bold, underlined, strikethrough, superscript and subscript.

2. Headings

To add a header to your text, put an exclamation mark in-front of the text.

The number of exclamation points denotes the size of the header.

In Sugarcube 2, headings are not displayed in the middle of a text in a passage. But they are shown in the Storyways app as long as they are written in a new paragraph.

2.1 Start using headings yourself

  1. You can copy the following instruction and paste it into your passage to see how the different headings works.

    !Heading size one
    !!Heading size two
    !!!Heading size three
    Screenshot of 3 headers.

You cant use the following sentence //Italic text//! only the following //Italic text!//. The exclamationmark alsways have to be inside of any styling intruction //!// or ''!'', otherwise the subsequent text will be parsed as a headline.

The next section will show you how to include images in your story.